B24 – Envision, Kwun Tong Maryknoll College


Guess Who($110)(14*10*5cm)
Guess Who is a card game using our own designed images of endangered animals. Each card has an image of an endangered animal and a QR code link to allow players to deepen their understanding of endangered animals.

Canvas wallet ($120) (12*10*1cm)
By promoting this canvas wallet, we appeal to the public not to buy leather wallets made of animal skins. In addition, we use hot stamping technology to let you choose the design of your favorite endangered animal to be printed on the wallet, creating a wallet of your own design.

Canvas bag ($60) (40*35*0.5cm)
Our specially designed canvas bags are easily biodegradable and, even if unfortunately discarded, they will naturally dissolve in the environment. In addition, we will also use hot stamping technology to allow you to design a unique canvas bag.
