A36 – Be Right Bag, St. Louis School


Whenever you are having fun on Sunday and think about “Monday”, your joyful mood drops to the bottom all of a sudden 😩. However, after a week of hard work, on “Friday”, thinking about the holiday coming the next day. “Yes, we can finally play!!”

Therefore, our company has created designs which the citizens are devastated by “Monday”, and “Friday” which all human beings yearn for. We hope you all will realize that all the people in the city are together suffering from the pain of “Monday” by the designs. And imagine the feeling of happiness after a week of hard work to encourage you all to continue to work hard and get through it! And then have fun!

Besides, we have invited our designer to create a series of Cristiano Ronaldo keychains to add spices and sparks to our products.
So why not come and buy one?
